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"Passion, Hard Work, and Dedication" – Capturing the essence of the PhD experience.

Photo du rédacteur: Lama Hélène SleemLama Hélène Sleem

Lama Hélène Sleem
Lama Hélène Sleem

Merci beaucoup pour votre témoignage

Could you please describe your background?

I finished my engineering in Computer and Communication from Lebanon (IUL) and then I decided to pursue my masters in the Lebanese University where I studied “Signal, Telecom, Image and Speech”.  I had the will to continue and find a thesis that can help me enrich my knowledge and make an impact somewhere in the world. I truly believe now that when we  want something, life opens the exact doors that you are asking for, and by this I met my co-supervisor who introduced me to the world of Lightweight Cryptography. I was passionate by this world and then I decided that I want to continue working deeply in this domain. FEMTO-ST was the place that made me change on both professional and personal level.

I carried out my Phd in Femto-ST and at the same time I was working in a Company. I knew in the journey of my thesis that my passion is research and Acadamia where I am not only supposed to develop and apply algorithms, but rather invent and enhance what already exists. The journey of my thesis has made me learn the difference between working in industry and in the research field. It made me learn that the only way to know our passion, is by experimenting different things and let your feelings guide you.


Describe your thesis in some words?

My thesis is about proposing cryptographic algorithms for constrained devices that lack the resources to run heavy cryptographic algorithms. Keeping in mind that the level of security should be preserved and the performance of the devices should not be impacted, my supervisor and I carried out research in this domain where we enhanced existing algorithms and  validated our results on existing hardware. The results were good enough to publish several journals across this journey that backed boned our proposals.


How hard is it to balance your time during the PhD?

For me it was extremely hard but being said, it is the only way to learn. Working and pursuing a PhD is something that caused me a lot of stress and overwhelm. In the last year of my thesis, I decided to quit my job and concentrated on what I love. This question of how hard to balance your time can be easily answered for me now. First thing, is to choose what you love and what you have passion in. When we start procrastinating or feeling overwhelemed, it means that we are resisting this work, which means that something in us is telling us that we do not like this job/task and this is an Alert. I decided to choose  research in the last year of my PhD by sticking to what I like. Procrastination dissipated, anxiety disappeared and I managed my time in a good way. I can give a practical advice here is that sports, or simply doing the things that you love even for a short time, can have a huge impact on your work and can make you manage your time better. Meet friends and try to embrace this journey rather than stressing with being perfect. Consistency is the key for everything and it is for sure the key for a good PhD.

To keep yourself motivated, aim at small things at a time, divide big tasks into smaller ones and give yourself credit when you finish small tasks.

Three key points to stay focused and motivated : Consistency + Frequent Small Breaks + Socializing .


Can you briefly describe your career path after PhD?

After my thesis, I started as a Postdoc researcher in LORIA in Nancy for 3 years. Where I worked in lightweight cryptogrphy and then I started working in security in the educational field. I participated in writing a methodology for teaching security in European schools and also in creating a course for cyber security consultant. LORIA was the place where I met many colleagues that are my friends now, sharing both cyber security passion and friendship bonds. After that, I work now as a researcher in the University of Luxembourg. In Luxembourg I am working both in industry and Acadamia trying to link the bridges in between. I am proposing projects and trying to have funds for our projects. Additionally I am teaching in Paris, Telecom Nancy and the University of Luxembourg itself. This journey is still enriching me each day. I am also now co-directing two PhD students where I am focused more on the AI and how to link it with the world of cyber security. I am not only working in cybersecurity, but also in Large Language Models, machine learning and building solid knowledge in these domains.


If you have to give Ph.D. students one tip, what would it be?

I will give four advice actually :

  • Choose a subject that you love since this PhD will shape your career so choose it wisely with a lot of passion.

  • Look at the environment in your lab, search the supervisor and ask about the student’s opinions. This supervisor will guide for three years or four so make sure you are in good hands.

  • Take care of yourself and do not forget that you also have your personal life to live.

  • Do not try to be perfectionist, try to set simple objectives and after a time you will see the accumulated small achievements turn into a one big success.

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